Kelsey Moore

Your Broker Bestie
Real Estate Agent

Find your dream home with us! Our experienced team offers personalized real estate buying, selling, and investing solutions. Trust our market expertise and seamless transactions. Your satisfaction is our priority. Explore listings and unlock your new home today!

Those Who We Serve




First timers

New Build Buyers


Unique Homes

About Me

Hey there, I’m Kelsey—your new real estate confidante and the friendly face behind Broker Bestie. Welcome to a world where your real estate dreams are not just transactions but personal stories waiting to unfold.

Here at Broker Bestie, it’s not just about buying or selling property; it’s about creating a real estate journey that feels uniquely yours. I’m not just your real estate agent; think of me as your Broker Bestie, your go-to partner in turning aspirations into addresses and houses into homes.

Why the emphasis on being your “Bestie”? Because your journey matters to me. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or someone ready to take the plunge into selling, I’m here to be your trusted companion throughout the entire process.

Let’s make the real estate experience enjoyable, memorable, and most importantly, tailored to you. I believe in building relationships grounded in trust, open communication, and a shared excitement for what’s to come. Your success is not just a goal; it’s a personal mission for me.

In the fast-paced world of real estate, I’ve got your back. From staying on top of market trends to using innovative tools, I’m committed to providing you with a seamless and satisfying journey. It’s not just about finding a property; it’s about finding a place that feels like home.

So, whether you’re on the hunt for your dream abode, strategizing savvy investments, or gearing up to sell and embrace new beginnings, Broker Bestie is here to make it happen—with a personal touch. Let’s embark on this adventure together and make your real estate story one for the books.

Ready to turn those dreams into reality? Reach out, and let’s start making things happen. Welcome to Broker Bestie—your personal guide in the world of real estate.

Charities Donated and Volunteered

I love to help my community find their real estate solutions. Let’s talk!

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